Michigan Guardianships

Guardianships Over Minors

A guardian of a minor (child or teenager) has power only over the person or a ward. The Michigan Estates and Protected Individuals Code (EPIC) enunciates specific responsibilities and duties for a guardian of a minor, both full and limited. Guardianships of minors typically last until terminated by the court or until the minor attains the age of majority.

Guardianships Over Adults

A guardian is a person appointed by a probate court and given power and responsibility to make certain decisions about the care of another individual. These decisions might include treatment decisions or where the individual should live. If the individual has a reduced life expectancy because of advanced illness, the guardian may have power to make an informed decision on behalf of the individual regarding receiving, continuing, discontinuing, or refusing medical treatment. The duties of a guardian are listed by statute.

Our Ann Arbor Guardianship Attorneys

Musser Love, P.C. in Ann Arbor, Michigan is ready to discuss your legal issue, please call one of our skilled guardianship attorneys at (734) 677-0776 or contact Musser Love online or via e-mail.