Washtenaw County Divorce and Family Law Resources

MiCase – Michigan Child Support Self-Service

Washtenaw County Friend of the Court | 734-222-3050

Friend of the Court S.M.I.L.E. Program

Washtenaw County Friend of the Court Handbook and Parenting Guidelines

Family Law Bench Book

Safe House

Parenting through Separation and Divorce Workshops

The Michigan Parenting Time Guideline

EMU Legal Resource Center | 734-994-0160

Legal Services of South Central Michigan | 734-665-6181

Mental Health Resources

If someone needs urgent mental health services, either call 911 or an ambulance - or take that person to a local emergency room.

Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Resources

University of Michigan Mental Health Services

St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Psychiatric Access Center | 734-712-2762

University of Michigan Crisis line (24/7) | 734-936-5900

Suicide prevention services in Washtenaw county please call:

Washtenaw County Community Mental Health 24 hour hotline | 734-544-3050

UM Health System Psychiatric Emergency Services hotline | 734-936-5900

Ozone House 24-hour hotline | 734-662-2222

Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools 24-hour hotline | 734-936-5900

Vetran's Crisis line | 1-800-273-8255

Local College Crisis Centers

Statewide Crisis Centers

Addiction Resources

Support group for friends and families of problem drinkers and addicts.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

In Patient Addiction Treatment:

Brighton Hospital Addiction Treatment Center

Phone: 877-976-2371

Henry Ford Maplegrove Center

Phone: 248-661-6100

Other Resources

The Department of Human Resources website covers a wide variety of topics including how to start a case; how to locate a parent; public assistance and child support; how to establish paternity; how to enter an order; how to make support payments; how to enforce support orders; custody and parenting time; how to modify an order; intergovernmental issues; employer resources; hospital resources; school resources; forms and publications.